U.S. Air Force radar, took place last weekend during the Perseid meteor shower meteors entering the atmosphere from the sounds etti.ABD of the Kickapoo in the state of Texas Air Force Space Surveillance Radar Station, passing over them like whistling echoes caused by meteorites said. Meanwhile, 460 kilometers from Earth in the International Space Station astronaut Ron Garan, the height, was able to capture some of the falling meteorites.
U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), which is connected to a radar station, of Kickapoo, flying objects in Earth orbit, with or without active satellites, rocket debris, natural or man-made space trash is detected, and katalogluyor follows. The radar, a height of 30 thousand kilometers up to 10 cm larger Saving all objects selectable.
The most well-known Perseid meteorrains, the end of July each year - around August-per-viewed. Increasing intensity of meteor showers on the night of August 12th to August 13, rotation of the Earth around the Sun during the passage of fragments of Comet Swift Tuttle geliyor.Video:
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