3 Eylül 2011 Cumartesi

Laptop for 6 vehicles; Download!


indispensable practical tool for 6! Battery life, small keyboard, the risk of being stolen ... Eliminate all the shortcomings of these tools, laptop'unuzun kaldırın.Laptop 's to be small and portable, the biggest advantage to desktop PCs. However, the laptops, the limited battery life, difficult to use a smaller keyboard and touchpad also have many restrictions.

This article, the hardware constraints to solve a number of laptops that have the programs we present to you. With these tools can prolong your battery life, keyboard and touchpad, you can use more efficiently, laptop'unuzda watch who is doing what.

TouchFreeze: Laptop'unuzda mistake when typing in your palm touches the touchpad and the cursor jump to a different location causes the vehicle to lock automatically and the keyboard when using the touchpad.

AutoSensitivity: With this tool you can adjust the individual sensitivity of the touchpad, and mouse (if supported). Lower sensitivity, which means less reaction. Note: To use AutoSensitivity'yi NET Framework 3.5 or 4.0 's need to be installed.

TwoFingerScroll: Only the very limit you to one-finger touchpad support. However, the hardware, usually two or three fingers stepped at the same time detect. TwoFingerScroll, the touchpad, it reveals the potential.

With the vehicle, for example by sliding two fingers, up or down kaydırabiliyorsunuz. The touchpad is also permitted to assign different actions for different accents.



that they have a small structure, so too, and that such a switch to the keyboard, you may find it difficult initially. Change or turn off the function keys are not using SharpKeys laptop'unuzda helps. Aerofoil: aerofoil running Windows Vista and Windows 7, Aero Glass, you allocate laptop'unuzu AC power by turning off the sound by cutting back or through a different Windows power scheme allows you to conserve battery power.

Aerofoil according to some sources, to save battery can provide up to 25 percent.

Prey: Open to all working areas and often laptop'unuzun Worried about theft? Prey, though not protect you Laptop thieves, when into the hands of others helps you to find his place.

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