3 Eylül 2011 Cumartesi

The Secret of a happy computer!

Apple's secret computer

happy ending! An Apple computer at the end of the mysterious mischief-maker returning to his home ... in a long time over Apple were to fall, although not pleased with dolaşmasından around prototypes. skyrocketing price of up to 70 thousand dollars on eBay and emerging 3G by Apple MacBook Pro back request a proof of that.

Even as Apple has failed to do their utmost to stop this sale. Apple MacBook buying Craiglist'ten Carl Frega in astonishment, the prototypes of the circuits used by the red. the introduction of the 3G antenna and SIM card on eBay with the computer saw a lot of interest.


to stop Apple, according to accounts Frega'nın, where now the prototype is sending his order to take back one of the Frega'nın. In other words, life will never fail to pass the prototype, returning to his home at the end and connects to smooth over the situation. But how profitable this business will come Frega'nın not yet known.

MacBook Pro Apple's 3G on eBay

by storm in a patent issued in 2008, exactly overlaps specify.

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