13 Eylül 2011 Salı

Google scandal naked women!

Google's 360-degree photos taken from the major cities of the world

showing Google's Street View application in a scandal çıktı.Google 's special vehicle equipped with cameras took pictures of a naked woman wandering the streets of Miami. Women, in the hands of the front yard of a house, believed to be in the water is seen standing on a bottle.

Women, passing through the Google tool, in order to wash his face eğiyor closed his eyes and his head. Therefore, the captured image, the face of the woman's entire body in appearance is not obvious.


fled BİLİNMİYORGoogle Street View, the responses to hang out in the image on the identities put forward, such as car license plates often censor information. However, the bare frame, how to escape from Google's censorship of the unknown.

Google Street View because, among many European countries including Germany, the service has been criticized for violating people's private lives, were banned in the Czech Republic.

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