26 Ağustos 2011 Cuma

7 Turkish youths entered the scientific literature!

International Union of Radio Science held this year by "GASSIN URSI 2011 Symposium," Turkey, 7 persons in the "Young Scientist" had the title.

Held on August 13 to 20, and''Radio''under the heading of science in many new studies presented over 500 thousand scientists from over 50 countries attended the symposium. A total of 101 people from 33 countries at the symposium this year the award was''Young Scientists''.

Of successful young scientists from Turkey, 7 persons were also present. Enes Yigit University of Mersin, Istanbul University, Hosni Sea Başdemir Ages, Koc University in Istanbul, Ali Sour, Istanbul Yildiz Technical University, Senem Article, Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey Şenalp Erdem, Fatih University in Istanbul and Izmir Dokuz Eylul University, Handan Altun Hüseyin Çerdik Snap, the world of science was able to print the names of literature.

Mersin University School of Technical Sciences Professor Enes Yigit, said in a statement, under 35 years of age to receive this award and be certain to have an academic background, he said.

Yet 29 years old and a doctor during the initial contact, which has a prominent place in their own field of URSI to be deemed worthy of this award given by the committee who expressed his happiness Yigit,''I attended the symposium papers, doctoral thesis that 'Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar' topic made within the scope of a trial. This declaration gave the prize,''he said.

"Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar"

''Work''Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar that provides information about the Valiant, with this technique, without the need for satellite and aircraft in the surface of the car, such as a motor can be removed in a platform-mounted radar system, said mapping of the earth.

Enes Yigit, "The most important of the techniques used to produce maps of the Earth''that''emphasized the Synthetic Aperture Radar."

Academic curriculum vitae for granting the prize to the scientists under the age of 35 and sent with the application of scientific studies about addressing Yigit, 2006-2010 over 20 years of scientific study that said, this award was given to him.

Thanking their supporters during his academic studies

Yigit, said:

''Work so I do not find myself in such a short period of time is needed. This contributed to my work that we have done so primarily with the thesis advisor, Prof.. Dr. Caner Ozdemir Sevket Demirci, including research assistants, and other publications mentioned in this award, bring in, I believe that with all my friends. Mersin University, with many people from abroad to say that the conference discuss the best way to represent our university and a proud event for us. After that, the best way to improve ourselves and our work would continue without a break.''

URSI'nın Purpose

ICSU (International Council of Scientific Unions) URSI'nın scientific associations (the International Union of Radio Science) The purpose of the science of radio, telecommunication and electronic sciences in the field of promoting and coordinating international efforts.

First began operations in 1919, URSI''Electromagnetic wave propagation, radio communication systems, wave propagation and remote sensing, ionospheric wave propagation, such as''in many areas of scientific work supports and encourages komisyonlarıyla.

URSI conferences held over a 80 years, thanks to scientists in their fields of scientific studies are done on a platform to discuss and find each other, the ability to deliver. Thus, all studies evaluating the scientific developments, gathered under one roof, saving speed.

How to Reward


URSI'de 10 commission's and the scientific studies reviewed by these committees. Each commission was created by scientists in the world-renowned experts in their field and for the conference to present a jury, the jury sent to the studies reviewed by this.

Each of the commission reviewing the articles submitted

academic jury, whether the new study, the presence of previously applied katkısınun uygulanmadığıa and looking at the academic literature.

Solution to the problem which brought the work, which would have in-use areas, such as whether the criteria for expansion are taken into consideration by the jury.

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