UHİM'in's report as a result of: Facebook and Twitter, social networking sites is becoming increasingly popular among users of shame unutturuyor.İnternet table yatırıldı.Uluslararası Violations Monitoring Centre (UHİM) prepared according to the report, people are now living on the verge of a real life takes virtualization. Authors, sociologists, journalists and activists in the report containing the analysis of many people, social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, it paves the loss of individual and social values and control the feelings of people leads to dropped. Rowland Miller, an American professor of psychology at the beginning of the report 'of this site, shame, forget' is based on the determination. Small head UHİM'in Ayhan, all kinds of technological development in today's society without any strain not recognized, he says. These sites are added to the pictures, the eye had been hit more than narcissistic poses, made the comments a more open, more daring and more intimate subjects pointed out that small, "and the person with a feeling of existential self-esteem as well as the harmony of the social environment that provides protection in the sense of shame will be reduced gradually, as I-centric sentiments, requests are increasing. " he says.
Socialize? asosyalleşmek?
Sociologist-author FatmaBarbarosoglu, asosyalleştirdiğine people actually touches on social sharing networks. Barbarosoglu, it consistently enough people who think ilgilenilmediğini 'Guess what I'm doing now? " no it does not recognize the virtual worlds with people sharing the answer to the question itself is 'crucial' to make the work is expressed. Psychiatrist Professor. Dr. Kemal Sayar, or the loneliness and lack of self-confidence to resolve the comments of people who use social networks, offers a taste of other people's thoughts are expressed. However, lack of self confidence in humans, this increase according to Sayar'a and leads to self-centered human being.
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