Kazakhstan, who lived during the reign of chalk, the largest known bird fossil jaw of the article published in the journal Biology Letters bulundu.Uluslararası according to a research team, the fossilized bones in the south of Kazakhstan, about 83 million years ago, the scientific name "Samrukia nessovi "of a bird with a giant.
Scientists, the range of four meters of wing Samrukia'nın estimated as large as an ostrich might think. The crow-sized bird that lived during the reign of chalk up to date, was known to be more.
Scientists, the only exception, in the south of France in 1995, peacock pose, but this fossil bones belonging to animals the size of a bird that kanıtlanamadığını said. Samrukia'nın, at that time that records showed that the different sizes of birds, scientists, animal, unlike modern birds also reported.
In line with the available data is not yet known Samrukia'nınfly away. However, assuming that more moves the bird walk at least 50 kilograms and is estimated to be 2-3 meters in length.
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