proper nutrition, sleep and exercise ... Modern life brings stress. Shown as the cause of many illnesses, especially premature aging also brings stress. According to research from the U.S. and Europe in her early 40s in women more than 20 years ago, low body resistance. In the past, even in the late 30s and 50s, is now seen in the skin folds.
Cosmetic Surgery Expert Op. Dr. Umran Next, many people face to face with the reality of premature aging due to inaccuracies yaşamtarzındaki kaldığına, he noted. Next, "The secret of staying young is simple and natural living in secret," he said. Dr., Umran Next, the truth needs to be done to stay young in the journal Medical Park said:
MULTI-VITAMIN E dietÖNEMLİDoğru: Lunch in the hours between meals some almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, raisins, dried apricots to eat nuts that contain vitamin E, such as. Kışmevsiminde winter, summer vegetables consumed in yazmevsiminde. Would be to eat plenty of yogurt.
HEARTTEKLETİYORDoğru sleep: in the morning hours to protect the human body is the highest kortizonmiktarının a period of time, and this must be put asleep. Sleep late is fatty liver, the pancreas is damaged, regional obesity, side effects in women is going up killa. In the heart and other internal organs, causing GROWTH.
YETERLİDoğru15 minutes of exercise: Our hands, even when moving the arm to increase the body temperature and oxygen radicals accumulate in the body able to cast off. Be done in hours of exercise is very important. Due to the pace of today's business people are encouraged to play sports in the evening. However, the most appropriate one in the early morning at home, wash our faces with cold water to make five to ten minutes of light exercise
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