NATO member and Informatics Institute of the Academy of Information Systems and Technology Director Professor. Nazife Baykal, Turkey will anlattı.Çığır bilişimdeki promising research being carried out hundreds of the most important centers for the study, Prof. Director of the Institute of Informatics. Barnes talked about change in science.
Prof.. Dr. Nazife Barnes, the first time in Turkey bringing people health informatics. Founded in 2003, METU, health informatics, the main branches of science. Turkey breast is a effervescent woman of science. From genetics to defend the game, security, health, education for a new information system in Turkey in one of the key locations. Transdisciplinary, hundreds of scientific studies that do not fit together in a single holding area. Director of Institute of Informatics. Cyber warfare and terrorism expert at the same time, the NATO Information Systems and Technology Academy (ICT) member. Prof. Barnes and multi-faceted educational and research activities conducted in the Institute of Informatics, to IT, talked about recent developments and promising research. Baikal, the world's new battle field 'of information, tactics and technology is' the opinion. Barnes, "A country without a paper tiger technology. Tank, the ball completely over the period of war, "he says.
- Informatics Institute deyince understand what?
The most important feature of InformaticsEnsitüsü'nün interdisciplinary education and research. In other words, the basic bilimlerdenmühendisliğe, from the social sciences to medical students from different disciplines, interdisciplinary areas of education and research facilities around the world that stand out are provided. All students at METU students, all faculty members of the faculty member. Only scientifically research-based, stop not to provide accurate and current information, this information has become önemveriyoruz value.
- Health Informatics, which Turkey's first scientist, what research is done in this area?
Medical Informaticsthis section, Biyosinyal Analysis, Systems and Neuroscience KararDestek to have 4 sub-branch. Carried out many projects funded by TUBITAK and METU. Examples of these can give biyogörüntü processing and neuroscience research. Ongoing research in one of the anatomical structures in the brain differences were detected in patients with depression. Specializing in medical imaging techniques on colleagues, with fatal diseases, early and more reliable imaging methods such as differential tanılarınMR initiating and trying to automate this process.
- Directly reflected on how this works in human life?
For example, a research group in bioinformatics program in the human genome by taking advantage of the knowledge of chronic diseases in the clinic to provide early identification and treatment of the elections will lead to the selection of what is the most effective work on the genomic biomarkers. In this study, diabetes, rheumatic diseases, diseases such as Alzheimer's and schizophrenia, the identification and diagnosis of specific biomarkers from becoming available for the panels, as well as doctors evaluate patients with a combination of clinical and genomic information will enable decision support programs are also being developed.
- How the innovations of the future is waiting for us in health care?
Population aging and health care costs artıyor.Herprospects anytime, anywhere access to health services should provide. In a remote corner, mine, request to medical care no matter where in space, you have the right. Remote surgery applications, the most important examples of this. The next day, the health service be given all kinds of mobile devices. Space or the beginning of a mountain, blood sampled, send your mobile phone. The elderly or the disabled, home phones, televisions of all kinds through the access to health care. Wearable systems and sensors can be viewed through your personal health situation. Blood pressure measures the undergarments, medical robots that can perform operations such as measurement of blood glucose levels in this area, some of the exciting applications. Trend in health care, personalized, preventive and protective nature, and the provision of these qualities, largely thanks to mobile and wireless technologies will be.
Which regionwhich fertilizer?
- Turkey in the field of genetics was back too?
No, another research institute also carried out in the field of synthetic biology and synthetic genetic engineering. At the end of this project, the pre-test phase for synthetic biologists, genetic circuits based on the parameters selected by the user will be able to design software on the web. Live machines, chemical signals, such as human cell color, light and smell is similar reactions. Waters, the recognition of parasites in the future, what kind of fertilizer should be used in which region it will be used in areas such as determination.
Voice command matching the virtual robot
- It will live in the sci-fi movie.
Them, we're doing with the Turkish scientists, not only the Chinese, Indians, Americans are not doing. There are sound analysis research, for the hearing impaired audio visualization application for use in speech therapy, acoustic sound sources to be used in security systems in place that may be indicative of three-dimensional and real-time analysis application that parses, meeting rooms, classrooms and more than one person with human voice commands the attention of the response virtual robots that can work on.
- Be happy hearing this news I think the most.
Voice, in every area of life, and information systems. Carrying out this research colleagues, people with hearing loss in noisy environments such as the restaurant is also the owner of an invention that lets you listen to people they want. Hearing aids are upgrading the level of ambient sounds in all, a portable device with the help of this little people in real time and then listen to the sounds of their own. Thus, individuals with hearing loss in noisy environments, eliminates the social isolation they feel.
- What do you do for education?
E-education, technological developments rendered inevitable, perhaps that will form the future of education, as well as an area of great importance to the life-long learning model. In order to support math and science education in developing web-based distance learning application. With this system, the new learning opportunities for students beyond the classroom and school boundaries will be provided. Chat, Messenger, and social networks, students will benefit from an effective manner.
Suspicious packagepanic, and the last
- Have a new invention at the institute in the field of Security
A study conducted by Education üyelerimizcesuspicious package scare should not appear in public areas. Colleagues, as well as standard cameras, thermal cameras are also facing the same field of view by using the follow-up were able to detect individual people and objects they carry. Determined what the creature carries. So, in the hands of a person coming from a suitcase or backpack and suitcase or bag to leave, to give another example, when one of the operators in real time, identify and grant provided the necessary warnings. The system will automatically receive suspicious person NPL. Another field of application of the system, collect statistical information for the shopping centers. People entering and exiting the shopping center can be found in them for bags in their hands, so that it automatically to the rate of about a third of people who are shopping.
- Cyber terrorism and cyber-warfare specialist, what is this cyber war?
Computers and computer networks throughall efforts made by malicious cyber warfare is covered. Cyber warfare, transnational, personal, regional, national may be.
- Tank, the ball is now in the history books, the nostalgia for the wars going on?
They are no longer completely finished. All information superiority, tactical and technological superiority. These are areas of current war. A very important issue. Without these technologies in a country paper tiger. One very important provision of the security of the country's major infrastructure.
- Turkey is aware of this?
There are many efforts in this regard, TUBITAK, the universities, there are efforts to TSK. I have done as independent research. Information security culture in Turkey, given the spelling, should be awareness. Such a culture does not exist. The information has to be sensitive to the security of the people. Public or not in the army, down to the ring, we need to create a social awareness of information security. We will open soon in the Ph.D. program in Informatics Defense.
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