26 Ağustos 2011 Cuma

Secure Internet service in the testing process!


Ilker Kocak Vice President Marketing, TTNET Secure Internet Service for information on test studies verdi.TTNET Ilker Kocak Vice President Marketing, Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) in accordance with the demands of secure Internet Service infrastructure for the testing process prior to starting work on August 22 smoothly as planned, prepared and tested reported that they started.

Editing work carried out since the beginning of this year by ITCA

service, 22 August, since the beginning of testing, reminiscent of the Kocak, said the application would enter into force on November 22.

This application describes the pilot area for

determined their Kocak,''the pilot study, a regional point to be determined. TTNET determined by the test users in the pilot studies carried out,''he said.

Kocak, said:''Industry is the regulatory body in line with the demands of BTK'dan infrastructure works created prior to the testing process and testing began smoothly as planned. Therefore, our infrastructure is ready for pre-made, then a special process. Official start of the pilot study and then tested with the details of the BTK our communication remains the same. How the system will operate in the future, the deficiencies and to determine to what might be developed to work directions. Any application installed on computers within the scope of this project is not in question. Test users are network traffic control TTNET .''

The state of the current user profile of the Safe Internet service during the transition

test users that are technically not living in a hardship Kocak, said:''There are no restrictions on this subject. Test profiles of users can be changed as desired. Depending on the wishes of the users in the day with a password can use different profiles. For example, children, child profile, While using, the adults will use the Internet when a password, one can go in this profile. 'Child profile' sub-packages are determined by the BTK .''</ do not know about the contents of the packets P>

Secure internet service

Secure Internet Service will be the purchase of

completely optional. Internet service providers, who want to use this service to subscribers,''child''and''family''will offer in the form of two different profiles, including profile.

Subscribers to this service receives requests for subscription to the operator at the signing of the contract, the call center or through the web site bildirebilecek and will offer this service for free.

Internet service providers will be given to subscribers by the Internet user name and password Edit profile Sayfası''ndan switch between profiles can be made''with or service might be disabled.

Secure Internet Service under the criteria for the establishment lists of blocked Internet sites, to be determined by the Board of Operation Safe Internet Service.

The test process, the operators of the ICTA 2011 will be held Aug. 22 to Nov. 22. The service will be offered on November 22nd.

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